
Fucking Apple is fucking forgetting that their whole fucking plan with fucking Itunes was at fucking, least in part, to fucking provide access to small fucking artists. So fucking what if I only have one album? So fucking what if I’m just a fragile, easily heartbroken poet just trying to put a few carefully crafted […]


The WHOLE POINT OF MACINTOSH SINCE THE 80S IS THAT IT IS AN ABSTRACTION OF A TANGIBLE WORKSPACE Like your office! I should be able to MOVE THE THINGS ON MY DESK AROUND AS I PLEASE. I should be able to arrange my fucking icons as I like. Jesus christ. But in the 2015 macintosh, […]

Really Apple….No way to download video from Google Drive

Why oh fucking why can’t I download a video from Google Drive without going through stupid shit……Apple’s company mantra needs to be if your not using an Apple product within the world of Apple FUCK YOU!!!!!! Just switched to Android where I can drag and drop videos from my PC…..WHAT A FUCKING CONCEPT -P. The […]

first of all fuck you.

fix your cocksucking finder you ass hat fucks. no matter what shit I type into terminal or what add-ons I install still your piece of shit finder will display everythign in list view. fuck you. fuck your default bullshit. which circle jerking fuck up decided that the most annoying, animated motherfucking annoying fucking alerts should […]